Our courses:
Our courses:
- 6 week programme (reset and recharge) – once a week we’ll meet up for just 1.5 hours. You’ll begin your day with a breathwork session, set your intentions for the day and reset your mind and body. I’ll explain some scientific principles before heading into the ice bath. From there, you can warm up and head to work feeling energised and amazing.
- Breathwork only - These sessions are perfect for offering you the opportunity to experience the Wim Hof Method breathwork and feel its power within.
1 day WHM workshops - Spend 4-5 hours with me learning all about the WHM and my workshop. Discover and practice the breathwork, learn about the science and studies that have been done and enjoy an Ice Bath experience. - Thermalism - COMING SOON - this course will showcase the knowledge and science back theory that underpins cold and heat therapy alongside breathing techniques.
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